Professor Baz Publications
Professor Baz is a design and technology mentor and an advocate of Project-Based Learning (PBL). His passion is helping students to gain technological literacy using PBL activities
Technological literacy is the ability to use problem-solving and higher order thinking skills and then use these skills in the application of the design and technology processes to create, assess and communicate their solutions.
These design and technology processes are addressed in the Australian Curriculum: Design and Technologies. Educators have presented Design and Technology as one of the areas of study in schools from Year 7 to 12, and more recently Prep to Year 6.
Project-based learning is a great way to gain knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). STEM is addressed in the Australian Curriculum: Science, Technologies - Design and Digital - Engineering and Mathematics. Educators have presented STEM as one of the areas of study in schools from Year 7 to 12, and more recently Prep to Year 6.
Design and Technology
Design and Technology in Today’s World: A First Look introduces primary students from Year 3 to Year 6 to the building blocks of Design and Technology (D&T). These building blocks are presented as units of study supported by activity sheets.
Humans have always relied on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, or STEM, to find solutions to challenges.
Technology is
People using resources such as: Ideas, Information, Skills, Materials, Tools and equipment, Energy
And a problem-solving process such as: Look into > Plan > Create > Assess
To produce a satisfactory - solution, product, process, environment or system - to a problem
The birth of Professor Baz
The birth of Professor Baz has come after years of publishing for the middle school.
You may ask 'Why write a book about Design and Technology for primary students?' Design and Technology plays a big role in our daily lives. From the time we wake up, to the time we go to bed, Design and Technology has been part of our day. Some people also rely on Design and Technology whilst they sleep.
So what is Design and Technology (or D&T)? Design and Technology are the problem-solving processes used to satisfy the needs of people, such as food, shelter, communication and travel. We use D&T to solve problems in our world. For example, using D&T, dams are built to store water for drinking, farming, hydroelectricity and future drought needs.

Let Professor Baz assist you in helping your primary students to understand the building blocks of Design and Technology. Students also learn how to use these building blocks to solve problems in this world with a view to the future. The knowledge of these building blocks enables students to assess the costs as well as the benefits of technology. Design and Technology in Today's World: A First Look is the D&T world of Professor Baz. Let your students discover the exciting world of D&T.
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There are also three new STEM titles.